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D. Craandijk & F. Bex (2024) Effects of Graph Neural Network Aggregation Functions on Generalizability for Solving Abstract Argumentation Semantics. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Systems and Algorithms for Formal Argumentation (SAFA 2024).

J. Peters, F. Bex & H. Prakken (2024) Arguments based on domain rules in prediction justifications. Proceedings of the 24th Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA 2024).

R. Scheffers, F. Bex & A. Borg (2024) Related Explanations in Formal Argumentation, an Empirical Study. Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2024, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. [PDF]

D. Kolkman, F. Bex, N. Naryan & M. van der Put (2024) Justitia ex machina: The impact of an AI system on legal decision-making and discretionary authority. Big Data & Society, Online first. [PDF]

E. Herrewijnen, D. Nguyen, F. Bex & K. van Deemter (2024) Human-annotated rationales and explainable text classification: a survey. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. [PDF]

M. Blaauw, J. Peters, F. Bex & I. van de Weerd (2024) Orchestrating Sensemaking: Investigating the Sensemaking Processes and its Enablers at the Dutch Police. Proceedings of the 32nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2024), to appear. [PDF]

A. Borg & F. Bex (2024) Minimality, necessity and sufficiency for argumentation and explanation. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 168. [PDF]

F. Bex (2024) Transdisciplinary Research as a Way Forward in AI & Law. Journal of Cross-disciplinary Research in Computational Law (CRCL), 2:2. [PDF]

F. Bex (2024) AI, Law and beyond - A Transdisciplinary Ecosystem for the Future of AI & Law. Presidential address to the 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2023). Artificial Intelligence and Law, Online first. [PDF]


D. Odekerken, F. Bex & H.Prakken (2023) Precedent-Based Reasoning with Incomplete Cases. Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2023: The Thirty-sixth Annual Conference. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 379, pp. 33-42, IOS Press. [PDF]

D. Odekerken, A. Borg & F. Bex (2023) Justification, Stability and Relevance in Incomplete Argumentation Frameworks. Argument & Computation, online first. [PDF]

C. Otero, D. Craandijk & Bex, F. (2023) ORLA: Learning Explainable Argumentation Models. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 542-551). [PDF]

M. Robeer, F. Bex, A. Feelders & H. Prakken (2023) Explaining Model Behavior with Global Causal Analysis. 1st World Conference on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (xAI 2023), p. 299–323, Springer. [PDF]

J. Peters, F. Bex & H. Prakken (2023) Model-and data-agnostic justifications with a fortiori case-based argumentation. In 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (pp. 207-216). ACM Press. [PDF]

D. Odekerken, F. Bex, & H. Prakken (2023) Justification, stability and relevance for case-based reasoning with incomplete focus cases. In 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (pp. 177-186). ACM Press. [PDF]

B. Kilic, F. Bex & A. Gatt (2023) Contrast is all you need. In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Automated Semantic Analysis of Information in Legal Text (ASAIL 2023) CEUR Workshop proceedings. [PDF]

B. Testerink, E. Nieuwenhuizen & F. Bex (2023) Wat doet het ertoe dat je een mens bent? Autonome AI-systemen voor de politie. Cahiers Politiestudies 2023-1, nr. 66 (pp. 121-134).


M. Schraagen, F. Bex, N. van de Luijtgaarden, & D. Prijs (2022). Abstractive Summarization of Dutch Court Verdicts Using Sequence-to-sequence Models. In Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2022 (pp. 76-87). [PDF]

J. Peters, F. Bex & H. Prakken (2022) Justifications derived from inconsistent case bases using authoritativeness. 1st International Workshop on Argumentation for eXplainable AI (ArgXAI-22), CEUR workshop proceedings. [PDF]

J. van Lente, A. Borg & F. Bex (2022) Everyday Argumentative Explanations for Classification. 1st International Workshop on Argumentation & Machine Learning (ArgML 22), CEUR workshop proceedings. [PDF]

A. Borg & F. Bex (2022) Modeling Contrastiveness in Argumentation. Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA 22), CEUR workshop proceedings. [PDF]

D. Odekerken, F. Bex, A. Borg, B. Testerink (2022) Approximating Stability for Applied Argument-based Inquiry. Intelligent Systems with Applications, online first. [PDF]

G. Sartor, M. Araszkiewicz, K. Atkinson, F. Bex, T. van Engers, E. Francesconi, H. Prakken, G. Sileno, F. Schilder, A. Wyner & T. Bench-Capon (2022) Thirty years of Artificial Intelligence and Law: the second decade. Artificial Intelligence and Law, online first. [PDF]

D. Craandijk & F. Bex (2022) EGNN: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Architecture for Enforcement Heuristics. Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2022, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, (pp. 353-354).

D. Odekerken, A. Borg & F. Bex (2022) Stability and Relevance in Incomplete Argumentation Frameworks. Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2022, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, to appear. [PDF]

F. Bex & B. Verheij (2022) Stories about Evidence. In R. Horselenberg, V. van Koppen & J. de Keijser (eds.) Bakens in de Rechtspsychologie. Liber Amoricum voor Peter van Koppen, pp. 323-342. [PDF]

A. Borg & F. Bex (2022) Contrastive Explanations for Argumentation-Based Conclusions. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2022), pp. 1551-1553. [PDF]

D. Craandijk & F. Bex (2022) Enforcement Heuristics for Argumentation with Deep Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-22), AAAI Press, to appear. [PDF]

R. Wieten, F. Bex, H. Prakken & S. Renooij (2022) Deductive and abductive argumentation based on information graphs. Argument & Computation, 13:1, pp. 49-91. DOI: 10.3233/AAC-200539. [PDF]


F. Bex & H. Prakken (2021) Can predictive justice improve the predictability and consistency of judicial decision-making? Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2021: The Thirty Fourth Annual Conference. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pp. 207 - 214, IOS Press. [PDF]

M. Robeer, F. Bex & A. Feelders (2021) Generating Realistic Natural Language Counterfactuals. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021, 3611-3625, Association for Computational Linguistics. [PDF]

A. Borg & F. Bex (2021) Necessary and Sufficient Explanations for Argumentation-Based Conclusions. Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2021). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 45-58, Springer. [PDF]

R. Wieten, F. Bex, H. Prakken & S. Renooij (2021) Information Graphs and Their Use for Bayesian Network Graph Construction. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 136:249-280. [PDF]

A. Borg & F. Bex (2021) Enforcing Sets of Formulas in Structured Argumentation. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2021), 130-140. [PDF]

A. Borg & F. Bex (2021) Explaining Arguments at the Dutch National Police. AI Approaches to the Complexity of Legal Systems XI-XII, Lecture Notes in AI, 183-197. [PDF]

F. Bex & H. Prakken (2021) On the relevance of algorithmic decision predictors for judicial decision making. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2021), pp. 175-179. ACM Press. [PDF]

I. van der Weerd, B. Nieuwenhuis, F. Bex & I. Beerenpoot (2021) Using AI to augment RPA: A conceptual framework. Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2021). [PDF]

M. de Vries, J. Bijlsma, A.R. Mackor, F. Bex & G. Meynen (2021) AI-risicotaxatie: nieuwe kansen en risico’s voor statistische voorspellingen van recidive. Strafblad 2 (2021), Boom Juridisch Tijdschriften. (In Dutch. English title: 'AI Risk Assessment: new opportunities and risks for statistical predictions of recidivism') [PDF]

A. Borg & F. Bex (2021) A Basic Framework for Explanations in Argumentation. IEEE Intelligent Systems 36:2, pp. 25-35. DOI: 10.1109/MIS.2021.3053102. [PDF]

E. Herrewijnen, D. Nguyen, J. Mense & F. Bex (2021) Machine-annotated Rationales: Faithfully Explaining Text Classification. Proceedings of the Explainable Agency in AI Workshop (AAAI 2021), pp. 11-18. [PDF]

F. Bex (2021) Argumentation about evidence. In G. Tuzet, C. Dahlman en A. Stein (eds.) Philosophical Foundations of Evidence Law. Oxford University Press. [PDF]

M. van Zee, F.J. Bex, & S. Ghanavati (2021) RationalGRL: A Framework for Argumentation and Goal Modeling. Argument & Computation, 12:2, pp. 191-245. [PDF]


A. Borg & F. Bex (2020) Explaining Arguments at the Dutch National Police. Explainable and Responsible AI in Law (XAILA) Workshop (Jurix 2020), CEUR workshop proceedings, to appear. [PDF]

J. Peters & F. Bex (2020) Towards a Story Scheme Ontology of Terrorist MOs. Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI), pp. 1-6. [PDF]

D. Odekerken & F. Bex (2020) Towards transparent human-in-the-loop classification of fraudulent web shops. Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2020: The Thirty Third Annual Conference. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 334, pp. 239 - 242. [PDF]

H. Prakken, F.J. Bex & A.R. Mackor (2020) Editors' Review and Introduction: Models of Rational Proof in Criminal Law. Topics in Cognitive Science 12:4 (2020), pp. 1053-1067. [PDF]

H. Prakken, F.J. Bex & A.R. Mackor (eds.) (2020) Topics in Cognitive Science 12:4. Special Issue on Models of Rational Proof in Criminal Law.

D. Craandijk & F. Bex (2020) AGNN: A Deep Learning Architecture for Abstract Argumentation Semantics. Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2020, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 326, pp. 457-458. [PDF]

D. Odekerken, A. Borg & F. Bex (2020) Estimating Stability for Efficient Argument-based Inquiry. Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2020, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 326, pp. 307-318. Runner-up Best Student Paper Award [PDF]

R. Wieten, F. Bex, H. Prakken & S. Renooij (2020) Deductive and Abductive Reasoning with Causal and Evidential Information. Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2020, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 326, pp. 383-394. [PDF]

K. Atkinson, T.J.M. Bench-Capon, F.J. Bex, T.F. Gordon, H. Prakken, G. Sartor & B. Verheij (2020) In Memoriam Douglas N. Walton: The influence of Doug Walton on AI and Law. Artificial Intelligence & Law, 28:3, pp. 281-326. [PDF]

D. Craandijk & F. Bex (2020) Deep Learning for Abstract Argumentation Semantics. Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020), pp. 1667-1673. [PDF]

F.J. Bex & H. Prakken (2020) De Juridische Voorspelindustrie: onzinnige hype of nuttige ontwikkeling? Ars Aequi 69 (March 2020), 255-259. (In Dutch. English title: 'The legal prediction industry: meaningsless hype or useful development?'). [PDF]

F. Bex (2020) The Hybrid Theory of Stories and Arguments applied to the Simonshaven Case, Topics in Cognitive Science, Special issue on Models of Rational Proof in Criminal Law 12:4, pp. 1152-1174, Wiley. [PDF]


J. Bijlsma, F. Bex & G. Meynen (2019) Artificiële intelligentie en risicotaxatie. Drie kernvragen voor strafrechtjuristen, Nederlands Juristenblad, Kluwer, p. 3313-3319. (In Dutch. English title: 'Artificial Intelligence and Risk Assessment. Three core questions for criminal law'). [PDF]

F. Bex (2019) Artificiële intelligentie in de praktijk: Lessen uit onderzoek bij de politie. Rechtstreeks, 2019(2), pp. 26-34. (In Dutch. English title: 'Artificial Intelligence in Practice: Lessons from Research at the Police'). [PDF]

R. Wieten, F. Bex, H. Prakken & S. Renooij (2019) Constructing Bayesian Network Graphs from Labelled Arguments. Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2019). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, volume 11726, p. 99-110, Springer. [PDF]

B. Testerink, D. Odekerken & F. Bex (2019) A Method for Efficient Argument-based Inquiry, 13th International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems (FQAS 2019). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, volume 11529, p. 114-125, Springer. [PDF]

B. Testerink, D. Odekerken & F. Bex (2019) AI-assisted message processing for the Netherlands National Police, ICAIL 2019 Workshop on AI and the Administrative State (AIAS 2019), CEUR workshop proceedings, 2471, pp. 10-13. [PDF]

R. Wieten, F. Bex, H. Prakken & S. Renooij (2019) Supporting Discussions about Forensic Bayesian Networks Using Argumentation, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2019), pp. 143-152. New York: ACM Press. [PDF]

P. de Jong, J.M. van der Werf, M. van Steenbergen, F. Bex and M. Brinkhuis (2019) Evaluating Design Rationale in Architecture, 3rd International Workshop on decision Making in Software ARCHitecture (MARCH) - ICSA 2019, IEEE Publishing, pp. 145-152. [PDF]

F. Bex & D. Walton (2019) Taking the Dialectical Stance in Reasoning with Evidence and Proof, a comment on R.J. Allen & M.S. Pardo, Relative Plausibility and Its Critics, International Journal of Evidence and Proof, 23(1–2), 90–99, Sage Publications. [PDF]

M. Schraagen & F. Bex (2019) Extraction of semantic relations in noisy user-generated law enforcement data, Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2019), pp. 79-86, IEEE publishing. [PDF]


R. Wieten, F. Bex, H. Prakken & S. Renooij (2018) Exploiting Causality in Constructing Bayesian Network Graphs from Legal Arguments. Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2018: The Thirty First Annual Conference. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press. [PDF].

M. Schraagen, B. Testerink, D. Odekerken, F. Bex (2018) Argumentation-driven information extraction for online crime reports. CKIM 2018 International Workshop on Legal Data Analysis and Mining (LeDAM 2018), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2482. [PDF]

F. Cerutti, A. Toniolo, T. Norman, F. Bex, I. Rahwan and C. Reed (2018) AIF-EL – An OWL2-EL-Compliant AIF Ontology. Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2018, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, volume 305, pp. 455-456. IOS Press, Amsterdam. [PDF]

A. Tang, F. Bex, C. Schriek & J.M.E.M. van der Werf (2018) Improving Software Design Reasoning – A Reminder Card Approach. Journal of Systems and Software volume 144, pp. 22-40. [PDF]

F. Dignum & F. Bex (2018) Creating Dialogues using Argumentation and Social Practices. CONVERSATIONS 2017 - international workshop on chatbot research and design (INSCI 2017). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 10750, pp. 223-235. Springer. [PDF]

R. Wieten, F. Bex, L. van der Gaag, H. Prakken & S. Renooij (2018) Refining a Heuristic for Constructing Bayesian Networks from Structured Arguments. Selected papers of the 29th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2017), Communications in Computer and Information Science, volume 823, pp. 32-45. Springer. [PDF]


W. Kos, M. Schraagen, M. Brinkhuis & F. Bex (2017) Classification in a Skewed Online Trade Fraud Complaint Corpus. Preproceedings of The 29th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2017), pp. 172-183. [PDF]

F. Bex, F. Grasso, N. Green, F. Paglieri & C. Reed (eds.) (2017) Argument Technologies: Theory, Analysis, and Applications - Studies in Logic, volume 68. College Publications.

B. Testerink & F. Bex (2017) Specifications for peer-to-peer argumentation dialogues. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2017), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, volume 10621, pp. 227-244. Springer. [PDF]

B. Testerink & F. Bex (2017) Developing Argumentation Dialogues for Open Multi-Agent Systems. Demo at the 20th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2017). [PDF]

M. Schraagen, M. Brinkhuis & F. Bex (2017) Evaluation of Named Entity Recognition in Dutch online criminal complaints. Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal 7, pp. 3-16. [PDF]

F.J. Bex & T. Bench-Capon (2017) Arguing with Stories. In P. Olmos (eds.) Narration as Argument, pp. 31-45, Springer. [PDF]

S. Ghanavati, M. van Zee & F. Bex (2017) Argumentation-based Methodology for Goal-oriented Requirements Language (GRL). In Proceedings of the 10th International i* Workshop (iStar 2017), pp. 97-102, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. [PDF]

M. Schraagen, M. Brinkhuis & F. Bex (2017) Evaluation of Named Entity Recognition in Dutch Online Criminal Complaints. ICAIL 2017 workshop on Discovery of Electronically Stored Information (DESI VII). [PDF]

J.M. van der Werf, R. de Feijter, F. Bex and S. Brinkkemper (2017) Facilitating Collaborative Decision Making with the Software Architecture Video Wall. International Workshop on decision Making in software ARCHitecture (MARCH). 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Workshops (ICSAW), pp. 137-140, IEEE Digital Library.

F.J. Bex, T. van Engers, H. Prakken, B. Verheij (eds.) (2017) Artificial Intelligence and Law 25:1 Special Issue for the Workshop Artificial Intelligence for Justice.


F. Bex & S. Villata (eds.) (2016) Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2016: The Twenty-ninth Annual Conference. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 294, IOS Press.

F.J. Bex, B. Testerink & J. Peters (2016) A.I. for Online Criminal Complaints: From Natural Dialogues to Structured Scenarios. ECAI 2016 workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Justice (AI4J), ECAI 2016 workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Justice, The Hague, The Netherlands, August 30, 2016 (pp. 22–29). [PDF]

M. van Zee, D. Marosin, F.J. Bex & S. Ghanavati (2016) RationalGRL: A Framework for Rationalizing Goal Models Using Argument Diagrams. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER'2016), 553-560. [PDF]

F.J. Bex & S. Renooij (2016) From Arguments to Constraints on a Bayesian Network. Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2016, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, volume 287, pp. 96-106, IOS Press, Amsterdam. [PDF]

M. van Zee, D. Marosin, F.J. Bex & S. Ghanavati (2016) The RationalGRL Toolset for Goal Models and Argument Diagrams. Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2016, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, volume 287, pp. 479-480, IOS Press, Amsterdam. [PDF]

M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, F. Bex, F. Grasso, N. Green, M.-R. Namazi-Rad, M.-R., M. Numao, M.T. Suarez (eds.) (2016) Principles and Practices of Multi-Agent Systems - International Workshops, revised selected papers. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 9935.

C. Schriek, J.M. van der Werf, A. Tang & F.J. Bex (2016) Software Architecture Design Reasoning: A Card Game to Help Novice Designers. Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2016), Copenhagen, 22-38. [PDF]

F.J. Bex & B. Hovestad (2016) An Argumentative-Narrative Risk Assessment Model. Proceedings of European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC) 2016, pp. 176-179, IEEE Publishing. [PDF]

F.J. Bex & D. Walton (2016) Explanation and Argumentation in Dialogue. Argument and Computation, 7:1, 55-68. [PDF]

F. Grasso, F.J. Bex & N. Green (eds.) (2016) Argument and Computation 7(1). Special Issue for the workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA).

F.J. Bex & V.M Bex-Reimert (2016) Evidence Assessment in Refugee Law with Stories and Arguments. Informal Logic, 36:3, 349-370. [PDF]

F.J. Bex (2016) Het gebruik van verhalen om terroristische aanslagen te voorspellen - Boekbespreking van P.A.M.G. de Kock, Anticipating Criminal Behaviour: Using the narrative in crime-related data. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, Aflevering 3.

R. van der Valk, R.W. Helms, R. van de Wetering, F.J. Bex, R. Corten (2016). Feeling Safe? Privacy Controls and Online Disclosure Behavior. Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2016), Istanbul, Turkey. [PDF].

B. Verheij, F.J. Bex, S.T. Timmer, C. Vlek, J.J.-Ch Meyer, S. Renooij, & H. Prakken (2016). Arguments, Scenarios and Probabilities: Connections Between Three Normative Frameworks for Evidential Reasoning. Law, Probability & Risk, 15, 35-70. [PDF].


T. Bench-Capon & F.J. Bex (2015) Cases and Stories, Dimensions and Scripts Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2015: The Twenty Eight Annual Conference. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 279, IOS Press. [PDF].

M. van Zee, F.J. Bex & S. Ghanavati (2015) Rationalization of Goal Models in GRL using Formal Argumentation Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2015). [PDF].

F.J. Bex (2015) An integrated theory of causal stories and evidential arguments. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2015), pp. 13 - 22. New York: ACM Press. Winner of the Carole Hafner Best Paper Award. [PDF]


F.J. Bex, K. Atkinson & T. Bench-Capon (2014) Arguments as a new perspective on character motive in stories. Literary and Linguistic Computing 29 (4). pp. 467 – 487. [PDF]

F.J. Bex (2014) Towards an integrated theory of causal scenarios and evidential arguments. Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2014, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 266. pp. 133 – 140. IOS Press, Amsterdam. [PDF]

F.J. Bex, J. Lawrence & C. Reed (2014) Generalising argument dialogue with the Dialogue Game Execution Platform. Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2014, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 266. pp. 141 – 152. IOS Press, Amsterdam. [PDF]

F.J. Bex & T. Bench-Capon (2014) Understanding Narratives with Argumentation. Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2014, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 266. pp. 11 – 18. IOS Press, Amsterdam. [PDF]

P. Bosma, H. de Haan, A. van der Veen, F.J. Bex & H. de Weerd (2014) The role of communication in cooperative hunting in a partially observable world. Proceedings of the 23rd Belgian-Dutch conference on machine-learning (Benelearn 2014). [PDF]

F.J. Bex, J. Lawrence, M. Snaith & C. Reed. (2014) ArguBlogging: An Application for the Argument Web. Journal of Web Semantics 25, pp. 9–15. [PDF]

M. Finlayson, F.J. Bex, P. Gervas & D. Yuret (eds.) (2014) Literary & Linguistic Computing 29 (4). Special Issue on Computational Models of Narrative.


F.J. Bex, J. Lawrence, M. Snaith & C. Reed. (2013) Implementing the Argument Web. Communications of the ACM 56(10): 66-73. [PDF]

F.J. Bex (2013) Values as the point of a story. In K. Atkinson, H. Prakken & A. Wyner (eds.) From Knowledge Representation to Argumentation in AI, Law and Policy Making. A Festschrift in Honour of Trevor Bench-Capon, pp. 63-78. College Publications, London. [PDF]

F.J. Bex & B. Verheij (2013) Legal Stories and the Process of Proof. Artificial Intelligence and Law 21(3): 253-278. [PDF]

F.J. Bex, S. Modgil, H. Prakken & C. Reed (2013) On Logical Specifications of the Argument Interchange Format. Journal of Logic and Computation, 23 (5): 951-989 [PDF]

F.J. Bex (2013) Abductive Argumentation with Stories. ICAIL-2013 Workshop on Formal Aspects of Evidential Inference, Rome (Italy). [PDF]

F.J. Bex & T. Bench-Capon (2013) Arguing with Stories. ICAIL-2013 Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA), Rome, Italy. [PDF]


F.J. Bex & D. Walton (2012) Burdens and Standards of Proof for Inference to the Best Explanation: Three Case Studies. Law, Probability and Risk 11 (2-3): 113-133. [PDF]

T. Bench-Capon, M. Araszkiewicz, K. Ashley, K. Atkinson, F. Bex, F. Borges, D. Bourcier, D. Bourgine, J.G. Conrad, E. Francesconi, T.F. Gordon, G. Governatori, J.L. Leidner, D.D. Lewis, R.P. Loui, L.T. McCarty, H. Prakken, F. Schilder, E. Schweighofer, P. Thompson, A. Tyrrell, B. Verheij, D.N. Walton & A.Z. Wyner (2012) A history of AI and Law in 50 papers: 25 years of the international conference on AI and Law. Artificial Intelligence and Law 20(3):215-319. [PDF]

F.J. Bex & B. Verheij (2012) Solving a Murder Case by Asking Critical Questions: An Approach to Fact-Finding in Terms of Argumentation and Story Schemes. Argumentation, 26:3, 325-353. [PDF]

F.J. Bex, T. Bench-Capon & B. Verheij (2012) Persuasive Precedents. LREC-2012 Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative . [PDF]

F.J. Bex, C. Reed (2012) Dialogue Templates for Automatic Argument Processing. Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2012, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 245: 366-377. IOS Press, Amsterdam. [PDF]

F.J. Bex, T. Gordon & C. Reed (2012) Interchanging between Carneades and AIF - Theory and Practice. Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2012, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 245: 390-397. IOS Press, Amsterdam. [PDF]

J. Lawrence, F.J. Bex, M. Snaith & C. Reed (2012) AIFdb: Infrastructure for the Argument Web. Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2012, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 245: 515-316. IOS Press, Amsterdam. [PDF]

J. Lawrence, F.J. Bex & C. Reed (2012) Dialogues on the Argument Web - Mixed Initiative Argumentation with Arvina. Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2012, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 245: 513-514. IOS Press, Amsterdam. [PDF]

M. Snaith, F.J. Bex, J. Lawrence & C. Reed (2012) Implementing Argublogging (2012) Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2012, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 245: 511-512. IOS Press, Amsterdam. [PDF]

S. Modgil, F. Toni, F. Bex, I. Bratko, C. I. Chesñevar, W. Dvořák and M. A. Falappa, S.A. Gaggl, A.J. Garcia, M.P. Gonzalez, T.F. Gordon, J. Leite, M. Mozina, C. Reed, G.R. Simari, S. Szeider, P. Torroni, S. Woltran (2012) The Added Value of Argumentation: Examples and Challenges. In Handbook on Agreement Technologies (COST Action IC0801), Springer.

F. Bex & D. Walton (2012) Combining Explanation and Argumentation in Dialogue. ECAI 2012 Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA), Montpellier, France. [PDF]

F.J. Bex (2012) Bespreking van W.I. Koelewijn's "Privacy en politiegegevens". RM Themis, 2012: 3 (juni), Uitgeverij Paris, Zutphen.


F.J. Bex & C. Reed (2011) Schemes of Inference, Conflict, and Preference in a Computational Model of Argument, Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 23(36). [PDF]

J. Visser, F.J. Bex, C. Reed & B. Garssen (2011) Correspondence between the Pragma-Dialectical Discussion Model and the Argument Interchange Format, Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 23(36). [PDF]

F.J. Bex (2011) Arguments, Stories and Criminal Evidence: A Formal Hybrid Theory. Springer, Dordrecht. [website]

F.J. Bex, T. Bench-Capon & B. Verheij (2011) What Makes a Story Plausible? The Need for Precedents. Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2011: The Twenty Fourth Annual Conference. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 235. [PDF]

F.J. Bex & B. Verheij (2011) Legal Shifts in the Process of Proof. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law. New York: ACM Press. [PDF]

F.J. Bex & D. Walton (2011) Evidential Reasoning with Burdens of Proof: Some Case Studies. Workshop on AI & Evidence (ICAIL 2011).


F.J. Bex, P.J. van Koppen, H. Prakken & B. Verheij (2010) A Hybrid Formal Theory of Arguments, Stories and Criminal Evidence. Artificial Intelligence and Law 18:2, 123-152. [PDF]

F.J. Bex & D. Walton (2010) Burdens and Standards of Proof for Inference to the Best Explanation. In R. Winkels (ed.): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2010: The 23rd Annual Conference. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 223: 37-46. IOS Press, Amsterdam. [PDF]

F.J. Bex & B. Verheij (2010) Arguments, stories and evidence: critical questions for fact-finding. In van Eemeren, F.H. et al. (eds) Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA 2010), Sic Sat, Amsterdam. [PDF]

F.J. Bex & B. Verheij (2010) Story schemes for argumentation about the facts of a crime. Proceedings of the 2010 AAAI Fall Symposium on Computatonal Narratives. AAAI Technical Report FS-10-04, AAAI Press, Menlo Park CA. [PDF]

F.J. Bex & T. Bench-Capon (2010) Persuasive Stories for Multi-Agent Argumentation. Proceedings of the 2010 AAAI Fall Symposium on Computatonal Narratives. AAAI Technical Report FS-10-04, AAAI Press, Menlo Park CA. [PDF]

F.J. Bex, H. Prakken & C.A. Reed (2010) A formal analysis of the AIF in terms of the ASPIC framework. In P. Baroni, F. Cerutti, M. Giacomin & G.R. Simari (eds.): Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2010. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 216: 99-110. IOS Press, Amsterdam. [PDF]

F.J. Bex, B. Verheij (2010) Het onderbouwen van een feitelijk oordeel in een strafzaak: methode, casus, aanbevelingen. In P.J. van Koppen, H. Merkelbach, M. Jelicic en J.W. de Keijser (eds.) Reizen met mijn Rechter – de Psychologie van het Recht, 935-952, Kluwer, Deventer. [PDF]

F.J. Bex & K. Budzynska (2010) Argument and explanation as contexts of reasoning. CMNA 2010 - Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (ECAI 2010). [PDF]

C. Reed, S. Wells, F. Bex, K. Budzynska, J. Devereux & J. Lawrence (2010) The Argument Interchange Format: Consolidation & Extensions. University of Dundee Technical Report.


F. Bex, T. Bench-Capon and K. Atkinson (2009) Did he jump or was he pushed? Abductive practical reasoning. Artificial Intelligence and Law 17:2, pp.79-99. [PDF]

F.J. Bex & Atkinson, K. (2009). A proposal for evidential reasoning about motives. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law 212-213. New York: ACM Press. [PDF]

F.J. Bex, T. Bench Capon & K. Atkinson (2009) Evidential Reasoning about Motives: a Case Study. Workshop on Modelling Legal Cases (ICAIL 2009), Huygens Editorial, Barcelona. [PDF]

F.J. Bex (2009) Analyzing Stories Using Schemes. In H. Kaptein, H. Prakken & B. Verheij (eds.) Legal Evidence and Proof: Statistics, Stories, Logic. Ashgate Publishing (Applied Legal Philosophy Series) Aldershot. [PDF]

B.Verheij & F.J. Bex (2009) Accepting the truth of a story about the facts of a criminal case. In H. Kaptein, H. Prakken & B. Verheij (eds.) Legal Evidence and Proof: Statistics, Stories, Logic. Ashgate Publishing (Applied Legal Philosophy Series) Aldershot. [PDF]

2008 and older

F. Bex, T. Bench-Capon & K. Atkinson (2008) Did he jump or was he pushed? Abductive practical reasoning. In E. Francesconi, G. Sartor and D. Tiscornia (eds.): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2008: The Twenty First Annual Conference.Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 189:138-149. IOS Press, Amsterdam. [PDF]

F.J. Bex, H. Prakken (2008) Investigating Stories in a Formal Dialogue Game. Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2008 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 172:73-84. IOS Press, Amsterdam. [PDF]

F.J. Bex, S.W. van den Braak, H. van Oostendorp, H. Prakken, H.B. Verheij & G.A.W. Vreeswijk (2007) Sense-making software for crime investigation: how to combine stories and arguments? Law, Probability & Risk 6:145-168 [PDF]

F.J. Bex, H. Prakken & B. Verheij (2007) Formalising argumentative story-based analysis of evidence. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, 1-10. New York: ACM Press. Winner of the Donald Berman Best Student Paper Award. [PDF]

F.J. Bex, H. Prakken & B. Verheij (2006) Anchored narratives in reasoning about evidence. In T.M. van Engers (ed.), Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2006: The Nineteenth Annual Conference, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 152: 11-20. Amsterdam etc, IOS Press. [PDF]

P. Dijkstra, F.J. Bex, H. Prakken & C.N.J. De Vey Mestdagh (2005) Towards a multi-agent system for regulated information exchange in crime investigations. Artificial Intelligence and Law 13:133-151 [PDF]

P. Dijkstra, F.J. Bex, H. Prakken & C.N.J. De Vey Mestdagh (2005) Outline of a multi-agent system for regulated information exchange in crime investigations. Proceedings of the ICAIL-05 workshop on Argumentation in A.I. and Law, IAAIL Workshop series, 2:27-37. Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen.

F.J. Bex & H. Prakken (2004) Reinterpreting arguments in dialogue: an application to evidential reasoning. In T.F. Gordon (ed.), Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2004: The Seventeenth Annual Conference, 119-129. Amsterdam etc, IOS Press. [PDF]

F.J. Bex, H. Prakken, C. Reed & D.N. Walton (2003) Towards a formal account of reasoning about evidence: argumentation schemes and generalisations. Artificial Intelligence and Law 11:125-165 [PDF]